Talk Up Africa – Mining

Please join us on the 7th of March at 13h00 SAST for an exclusive dialogue showcasing prominent figures within the mining sector during Episode 5 of Talking UP Africa .

This immersive discussion guarantees to offer an enlightening exploration of the mineral-abundant landscapes across the continent, highlighting the factors propelling advancements, transformations, and notably, the social and economic ramifications for Africans.

The dialogue will also include our CEO, Mr Zenzo Nkomo on the panel.

We will see you there.

NVC Success Story: Empowering Ventures, Transforming Lives

Welcome to Lepharo’s Training Academy, where our unwavering dedication to excellence shines brightly. As an ISO-accredited organisation, our academy plays a pivotal role in providing value-added services to Small, Medium, and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) within our community.

Part of our focus lies in training that centers on Quality Management Systems (QMS) and New Venture Creation (NVC) designed to lay the foundation for businesses based on principles of quality, consistency, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

This comprehensive training not only sets SMME ventures on a path to success but also equips them to compete effectively in the market and adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

We take pride in announcing that Service SETA conducted external moderation on Module 4 titled Start and Run a Business, which covered five unit standards (263356, 263534, 114596, 114592, 114600) for the qualification of New Venture Creation at NQF Level 4. As a result, Statement of Results (SORs) were issued to the SMMEs who successfully completed Module 4 at our various centers.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all 48 SMMEs in their respective regions for their dedication and completion of this training. Below is a list of 14 SMMEs who have recently collected their statements of results.

Rustenburg: Omphile Modise (Dlisa Holding Group), Fortune Choechoe (Obasego Civil And Project), Thabang Magama (Save More Waste Recycling Pty Ltd), Bahedile Mashute (Daddy and Son Constructions And Projects)

Mogale City: Silulami Quva (Quva Trading Enterprise), Thapelo Mpye(Monster Bill Construction and IT Solutions), Beta Lefallo (Lefallo Trading Supplies and Construction), Buti Mogapi (Bual Trading)

Springs: Siya Ngwekazi (Lifestyle Cleanest Cleaning)

Khutsong: Stephen Rakomane (TMMS Trading), Mammelo Sotholashe (Nkwenkwezana Holdings Pty Ltd), Zandile Simelane (Luya Service Development), Jermina Mosadi (Ratikebo Trading Enterprise CC).

One graduate aptly expressed, “Networking opportunities have proven invaluable, as graduates have formed connections with fellow entrepreneurs and potential partners. The networking opportunities in Module 4 have opened doors I couldn’t have imagined.” This highlights the significance of building collaborative relationships.

To every aspiring entrepreneur and established SMME, we extend an invitation to be part of this transformative journey. Let’s embrace learning, cultivate new skills, and together, create a tapestry of businesses that are not just profitable but are pillars of quality and innovation in the market.

Success Story: All-Weather Roads Engineering

All-Weather Roads Engineering

They are a proudly South African born, international start-up company, with a revolutionary innovative road product called AWRE Resilient Tar (Asphalt), for building and engineering long-life roads that are resilient to extreme weather events.

The All-Weather Road is a next-generation smart road, that is adaptable and resilient, thus ensuring an efficient and reliable transport system, which is essential for society and transport of goods.

Founded and lead by Mr Emmanuel Mothabi the vision of the business is to have global reach in smart roads engineering and construction projects and to lead the manufacturability and supply of this Proudly South African resilient asphalt worldwide.

Needless to that that the AWRE company has been working hard and has formed strategic partners with astute companies such as:

  • CSIR-South Africa
  • Gautrans (Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport)
  • FEHRL – Europe
  • Canada National Research Council (Ottawa)

Highlights to note:

  • AWRE was selected to be part of 20 other global companies to participate in a full 6 months Managers training programme based Germany.
  • AWRE is in the processing of finalising a pilot project with Canada’s national research council, in partnership with City of Ottawa on their all weather resilient tar (asphalt),
  • They are having ongoing dialogue with FEHRL, which is a European innovation programme for roads and vehicles, covering 30 European countries. FEHRL’s solution seeking project is meant to run until 2030, however AWRE was quick to solve the solution before 2030 deadline.
  • AWRE is currently working with CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) in compiling first level construction report of the all-weather resilient road, where CSIR will also support AWRE with publishing the innovation on international publications & conferences
  • Qfinsoft mechanical engineers performed a Finite Element Analysis model of AWRE Resilient Road under APT (Accelerated Pavement Testing). Where the results came out excellent (as validated by the data during the innovative road testing)

Our Team

The team is compact yet powerful consisting of the below members who make things work.

  • Mr Emmanuel Mothabi – Founder CEO & Inventor (BCOM Economics & Econometrics)
  • Ms Lungile Phetha – Chief Operations Officer (BTech Mining Engineering)
  • Mr Elias Mbatha – Construction Manager
  • Ms Lydia Khumalo – Product Development Manager

Get In Touch

To learn more or get intouch with All-Weather Road Engineering, you can visit their website  on

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